VES Announces Nominations for 11th VES Awards

The Visual Effects Society has announced the nominees for the 11th Annual VES Awards.

"The Hobbit: An Unexpected Journey" leads all live-action feature film nominees with seven nominations.  "Life of Pi" and "The Avengers" earned six nominations, while "Prometheus" earned three, and "Battleship" and "The Impossible" earned two each.

Also earning nominations in live-action feature film categories was "The Amazing Spider-Man", "The Dark Knight Rises", "Flight", "Total Recall", "Argo", "Zero Dark Thirty", "Rust and Bone", "Men in Black 3".

The awards will take place on February 5, 2013 at the Beverly Hilton Hotel.

The following are nominations for live-action feature film categories.  To see all the nominations, visit FXGuide's coverage.  For more information on Visual Effects Society, visit their website.

Outstanding Visual Effects in a Visual Effects-Driven Feature Motion Picture

The Hobbit: An Unexpected Journey
Joe Letteri, Eileen Moran, Eric Saindon, Kevin L. Sherwood

Paul Butterworth, Charley Henley, Allen Maris, Richard Stammers

Life of Pi
Thomas Fisher, Susan Macleod, Guillaume Rocheron, Bill Westenhofer

The Avengers
Susan Pickett, Janek Sirrs, Jeff White, Guy Williams

Grady Cofer, Pablo Helman, Jeanie King, Glen Mcintosh

Outstanding Supporting Visual Effects in a Feature Motion Picture

Rust and Bone
Béatrice Bauwens, Cédric Fayolle, Nicolas Rey, Stéphane Thibert

The Impossible
Felix Bergés, Sandra Hermida,  Pau Costa Moeller

Matt Dessero, Leslie Hough, Gregory McMurry, Tom Smith

Kevin Baillie, Michael Lantieri, Chris Stoski, Ryan Tudhope

Zero Dark Thirty
Geoff Anderson, Chris Harvey, Jeremy Hattingh

Outstanding Animated Character in a Live Action Feature Motion Picture

The Hobbit: Goblin King
Jung Min Chan, James Jacobs, David Clayton, Guillaume Francois 
The Hobbit: Gollum
Gino Acevedo, Alessandro Bonora, Jeff Capogreco, Kevin Estey

The Avengers: The Hulk
Marc Chu, John Doublestein, Cyrus Jam, Jason Smith

Life of Pi: Richard Parker
Erik De Boer, Sean Comer, Betsy Asher Hall, Kai-Hua Lan

Outstanding Created Environment in a Live Action Feature Motion Picture

The Hobbit: Goblin Caverns
Ryan Arcus, Simon Jung, Alastair Maher, Anthony M. Patti

Prometheus: LV-233
Julien Bolbach, Marco Genovesi, Martin Riedel, Marco Rolandi

The Avengers: Midtown Manhattan
Richard Bluff, Giles Hancock, David Meny, Andy Proctor

Life of Pi: Open Ocean
Jason Bayever, Sho Hasegawa, Jimmy Jewell, Walt Jones

Outstanding Virtual Cinematography in a Live Action Feature Motion Picture

The Hobbit: An Unexpected Journey
Matt Aitken, Victor Huang, Christian Rivers, R. Christopher White

The Avengers : Downtown Manhattan
Colin Benoit, Jeremy Goldman, Tory Mercer, Anthony Rispoli

Total Recall: Hover Car Chase
Daniel Baldwin, Mattias Forsstrom, Sam Schwier, Joshua Wassung

The Amazing Spider-Man
Rob Engle, David Schaub, Cosku Turhan, Max Tyrie

Outstanding Models in a Feature Motion Picture

The Avengers: Helicarrier
Rene Garcia, Bruce Holcomb, Polly Ing, Aaron Wilson

The Impossible: Orchid Hotel
Markus Donhauser, Patrick Lehn, Angel Martinez, Juergen Pirman

Men in Black 3: Cape Canaveral/ Apollo Launch
Craig Feifarek, Hee-Chel Nam, Erik Neill, Taehyun Park

The Dark Knight Rises: Airplane Heist
Scott Beverly, Alan Faucher, Ian Hunter, Steve Newburn

Outstanding FX and Simulation Animation in a Live Action Feature Motion Picture

The Hobbit: An Unexpected Journey
Areito Echevarria, Chet Leavai, Garry Runke, Francois Sugny

Life of Pi: Storm of God
Harry Mukhopadhyay, David Stopford, Mark Williams, Derek Wolfe

Florent Andorra, Willi Geiger, Rick Hankins, Florian Witzel

Life of Pi: Ocean
Jason Bayever, David Horsley, Scott Townsend, Miles Vignol

Outstanding Compositing in a Feature Motion Picture

The Hobbit: An Unexpected Journey
Jean-Luc Azzis, Steven Mcgillen, Christoph Salzmann, Charles Tait

Life of Pi : Storm of God
Ryan Clarke, Jose Fernandez, Sean Oharas, Hamish Schumacher

The Avengers: Hulk Punch
Chris Balog, Peter Demarest, Nelson Sepulveda, Alan Travis

Prometheus: Engineers & the Orrery
Xavier Bourque, Sam Cole, Simone Riginelli, Denis Scolan
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